The ability to navigate the unknown is a vital skill for any leader in an organization. However, it has become characteristic in the last few years that companies, of any size, focus on short term goals not a long future.
Is Your Intuition Trying to Help Guide You?
Your intuition is associated with the right side of the brain which is responsible for creativity, imagination, musical and artistic aptitude, and emotions. Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung also believed that intuition is a powerful force, stating that, “Intuition gives outlook
Become a Change Agent
Whatever industry, profession, community, or culture you are from, we’re certain you have encountered a ‘change agent’ at some time. What is a change agent? A change agent is a person, regardless of age or gender, that lives in the
Return to Your Values
We recently worked with a public relations company that had several departures from senior staff. The Founders stated that those that left said ‘these are not my people now’. They felt that they and the current teams did not hold
Folks Leave Bad Bosses
Isn’t it alarming those talented employees will leave successful companies even if they have comprehensive benefits, the latest technology to perform their job, or excellent salaries? So even with the economy being tight for job opportunities, why is it that
The Cost of Belonging
Isn’t it a good feeling to be associated as a member of highly visible industries, neighborhood interest groups, sports teams, and even spiritual communities? From our participation in these groups, we practice authenticity, conquer issues and concerns, construct the future,
Enable Complainers to Solve Problems
We all have days when it seems we only hear complaining from staff, colleagues, community service members, even the trash engineer on your street! Are these verbal sessions accurate or unjustified whining? Complainers and negative people are bad news because
Developing Critical Thinking
In the course of our work lives, we learn specific tasks associated with our job positions, sometimes putting our strategic thinking on auto pilot. We perform our job responsibilities satisfactorily enough, but often we don’t develop the reflective judgment skills
Reframe the Future
As communities and businesses are returning to fill teams and offices, many individuals recognize that the ‘old’ future may not be the future they, or their organizations may, want. Now would be an optimal time to reassess the values, behavior,
Are You a Fixer?
Isn’t it interesting that just when you’re stuck for a solution or a new twist on a current design, a colleague can quickly identify what may be the sticking ground, just at a glance? How do they do that? Is