Now that we are coming out of the pandemic, many people are experiencing, anger, hostility, even aversion to colleagues and the general public. Review this current situation: a former UCLA lecturer is in custody for allegedly making threats toward the university after emails with a link to an 800-page manifesto containing “very alarming” accounts of violence led investigators to Boulder, Colorado.
Upon reviewing parts of the manifesto, we identified thousands of references to violence, stating things such as ‘killing, death, murder, shootings, bombs, schoolyard massacre in Boulder,’ and phrases like ‘burn and attack Boulder’ outside of the university.
It does take time to put excess aversion away since it has been a lifelong habit for some.
- One of the techniques to resolve hatred and aversion is to ask questions. Leaders usually ask, “What are we, or you, going to do about the situation?” Instead of allowing continual complaints and whining, this question shifts the responsibility back on the employee or even a team.
- Raise the consciousness of the situation. Help employees see a bigger picture. For those folks that might exclaim: “I am so tired of dealing with so and so.” A leader’s response might be: “I agree it can be difficult, but have you taken a moment to put yourself in their shoes to see why they are in a constant grumble mode.”
- Create acceptable behavior for a team. Every team ought to have a list of rules that they agree to abide by. No whining can be at the top of the list. You could create a “No Whining Jar,” and any time an employee is caught whining they have to contribute a quarter to it. Use the money later for a collective lunch