Isn’t it a great occurrence now that many of our neighborhoods are becoming an integration of generations? On my very own street are five generations. The residents range from WWII, the Silent Gen, the Boomers, Gen X, and now a new couple from the Millenniums. What’s also wonderful is that monthly, they get together for ‘Happy Hour’ sharing and exchanging their experiences along with their continued personal goals. In last month’s soiree our local hero, who survived the Burma Road in WWII, shared his secrets to successful aging. He said, “My keystone to positive aging with dignity is staying connected to today’s events. And even though my grandchildren think I have passed my prime, I make it a point to be able to converse with them, and my peer group, on what is vital to today’s political & social environments. As long as I’m still living, I still matter!”
Yes, they matter. How great it is to honor those that have served in the military and those that are currently serving. We can break with tradition about the thoughts of aging and past military service by being unwilling to settle for disparaging remarks about our veterans that are positively aging.
This Memorial Day, don’t hesitate to show your respect for our deserving military service men and women by posting an American flag, participating in community events, or even BBQs with the neighborhood. My therapy dog and I will be visiting the veterans recovering in rehab facilities. Do whatever you think appropriate and be proud of it!